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Building services

Client experience #

Responsiveness #

One of the things our clients value most is responsiveness. Many will be under pressure to get things done quickly, and will be expected by their colleagues and managers to know what is going on at any given time, and to manage us effectively. If we’re not quick to respond to their queries, questions and concerns, we reduce their ability to maintain the confidence of their colleagues.

So, when we are on sprints, we endeavour to respond to our client quickly. It’s not always possible to resolve a problem or get an answer quickly, but that shouldn’t stop us from acknowledging a message or giving regular updates. As with tickets, being responsive to a query is just as important as giving a definitive answer.

When we get enquiries for clients who are not currently sprinting, we still answer as quickly as we can - but clients who are sprinting come first.

We also expect most communication with clients to happen with the project’s delivery lead. We don’t hide anyone on the team from the client, and they are free to ask questions of whomever they wish. But if you’re a developer and you get a question that’s really for a delivery lead to answer, refer the client on. This will help to keep you productive, and will help the client understand who on the dxw team does what.

Progress in every sprint #

Delivering projects in an agile way requires trust between everyone involved in delivery. Clients must have confidence in us for the process to work. One of the quickest ways to lose confidence is to finish sprints with little to show for the effort we’ve made. In all of our work, we maintain a clear relationship between sprints and their associated costs, and visible, tangible changes to the service we’re working on.

This means that we structure work so that visible progress and supporting back-end work happens side-by-side. We don’t work on back-end or supporting code first, and then bolt front-ends on later. We make sure that what we’re doing is visible to our clients as early as possible. This helps us to maintain trust, and gives us more opportunities to learn what works and what doesn’t by involving users of the service in testing.

Involvement #

We involve clients in every aspect of our work. Projects work best when everyone involved feels part of the same team. So, other than the internal retro, there’s no aspect of our process that we do without client involvement.

In particular, we should go out of our way to involve clients when decisions are being made about design, user needs, or strategy (among other things). We’re not here to make decisions for our clients: we’re here to help them to make good decisions themselves. So we shouldn’t make decisions about important things without them.

This isn’t to say that we require clients to participate in everything. Clients and projects have varying needs, so this aspect of the process is flexible. But we always make the option of involvement available. If they want to join daily standups as well as participate in sprint planning, they can.

The structure of a project #

At dxw we follow the Government Service Manual and our projects move through discovery, alpha, beta, live and retirement phases.

One change to our approach is the addition of an Inception phase at the start of a project, before discovery. We think this phase is necessary to set up a single team with our clients, establish ways of working, and get everyone behind a shared vision and goals for the project.

At a high level, we believe the purpose of each phase is:

Inception: Establish a single, multi-disciplinary team with the client. Bring everyone together for a kick-off session to agree principles for how we’ll work together. Run a roadmapping workshop to define a set of goals and vision for the project. The roadmap also clearly defines dependencies and risks, and a list of things to learn or prove to form the basis of a user research plan.

Discovery: Carry out research to define users and understand their needs. Document findings, user needs and user journeys. Sometimes this phase also involves conducting technical discovery work to look at different technologies and solutions that might meet users’ needs.

Alpha: Translate user needs into prototypes. Test prototypes with users and iterate them based on feedback. We also use the alpha phase to carry out technical spikes and experiments, and to make initial technology and service design decisions.

Beta: Build a working version of the service, based on what we learned in alpha. Carry out regular usability testing of the service with users, and launch a minimum viable product. Make plans for supporting the service and continue iterating it.

Live: Operate the service, carry out regular user research and continue to iterate it. If new user needs are identified, we develop the service and launch new features to meet them.

Retirement: Work out how user needs will be met without your service. Provide help and guidance, archiving, and links to other services. Don’t leave people in the lurch; never let a link die.

We don’t always do all these phases for every client. Often, we’ll only be involved in a couple. But we can help with all or any of them, depending on our clients’ needs.

Development sprints #

We break down projects into two-week sprints. Throughout a project we maintain a product backlog, refine user stories based on what we learn and carry out development work to meet the user needs that have been identified.

Every project, client and team is different. But, there are some common approaches we take to all projects.

On the first day of a sprint we facilitate a planning session and finish sprints with a show and tell and retrospective. These sessions involve the whole team, including developers, user researchers, designers and delivery leads, as well as the product owner and other members of the client team.

Communicate Progress #

Every morning a delivery lead facilitates a standup. Standups last 5-10 minutes and are for the team to discuss what they’re working on that day and whether there are any problems or dependencies affecting them. If the team is not co-located with a client, standups happen over a video-call.

During the sprints a delivery lead will share a week note, usually on a Friday, with everyone involved or interested in the project. The note will include a brief summary of what the team have done that week, what is planned for the following week and highlight blockers, dependencies or things the team is thinking about too.

At the end of each sprint the team run a show and tell. This is an opportunity for the team to show the work they have done on that sprint and allows people involved in the project to see what has been achieved. We work in an open and transparent way so encourage anyone interested in the project to attend the show and tell and ask questions.

Plan #

Sprints begin with a planning session, where the whole team (dxw and the client) review and prioritise the stories in the backlog. Working together, we discuss the stories that we are prioritising for the current sprint, ensuring that they are well-formed and understood by everyone in the team.

Often this involves writing new stories and updating existing ones, but we try to avoid this becoming the main purpose of the meeting. In our experience, sprint planning is much more useful when the stories are written in advance.

During this session, developers discuss the effort required to finish each story. We discuss effort so we know whether we have a reasonable amount of stories to work on and we’re confident as a team that we can get through the stories in the backlog. Sometimes we will estimate stories. We do this based on complexity, not the time we think it will take to finish it.

Once estimated, stories are prioritised by the client and put into the backlog for the sprint. Developers also advise the rest of the team at this point if there are any technical dependencies the client should be aware of. By the end of the session, the full team should be confident about the goal of the sprint and what is going to be worked on.

Inspect and adapt our work #

At the end of every sprint, a delivery lead facilitates a retrospective where the team discuss how the sprint went. We talk about what went well, what didn’t, and what we can do to improve how we work for the next sprint. These sessions are attended by all the people involved in delivering the sprint along with the client team. We use retros to make sure we acknowledge and continue to do the things that are working well, and also commit to change anything that can be improved.

Focus on user needs #

At regular intervals the team look through the sprint backlog to re-prioritise and update stories, based on things we’ve learned during delivery and from user research. Stories that are no longer needed are deleted, stories that may be needed later or are blocked are put on hold (we call this the icebox) and all other stories are re-prioritised for future sprints.

We have regular user research playback sessions to ensure the whole team is involved in understanding user needs, feedback from user testing and what iterations means for the users.

User stories #

We document development work that needs to be completed by writing user stories.

A user story is a succinct explanation of some work that will be done in order to meet the needs of a particular kind of user. They are usually structured into a sentence, of the form:

As a [kind of user], so that I can [meet a need], I want [a feature in the product]

Breaking everything down into user stories allows us to be confident that everything we develop is meeting user needs. By using this story format, we directly associate a feature or piece of functionality we’re building with the group of users who want it and the needs that they have.

We keep lists of stories in Trello. We use user needs to create the title of a story, by rearranging it to reflect the new state of the system after the work is complete. For example:

As an administrator, so that I can ensure I don’t publish defamatory comments, I want to be able to review and approve comments before they are shown.

Might have a title of:

Administrators can review and approve comments before they are shown

Each user story will also contain a list of acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria are a collection of statements about the functionality of the service which must be true in order for the story to be considered “done”.

For more information about writing good stories, we recommend reading User Stories Applied by Mike Cohn. There is a copy of this book in the dxw library.

Lifecycle of a story #

There are several states that a story has to go through in order to be deployed to production. We use Trello and physical story boards to keep track of which stage a given story is in.

Managing delivery #

“The delivery manager sets the team up for successful delivery. They remove obstacles, or blockers to progress, constantly helping the team become more self organising. They enable the work a team does rather than impose how it’s done.” –Government Digital Service

At dxw, delivery leads ensure that sprints go smoothly and that the team remain productive. They are generally the client’s first and main point of contact, and are responsible for ensuring that we deliver good work.

Throughout a sprint, delivery leads ensure that an agreed process is followed, organising and facilitating discussions as required. They run sprint planning and retrospective sessions. They run daily standups with the dxw and client teams to keep everyone informed and to discuss and resolve any blockers.

Outside of these sessions and standups, they maintain regular communication with the client and the delivery team to respond quickly to challenges as they arise. If priorities change during a sprint, the delivery lead works with the client to understand and plan for the impact of the change.

Last updated: 9 May 2023 (history)