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Support and on call

We have agreed service levels for each client we provide support for. Our standard terms, including prioritisation definitions and response times, are detailed in our Service Level Agreement.

With our default support plan we manage all code, maintenance, updates, and uptime monitoring and provide security event monitoring intended to detect and prevent attacks. Users can also use our helpdesk service to ask for help with their service as documented in the main Playbook.

We provide support for clients and users of these services in three ways:

That support is handled by the team in two ways:

Being able to do support effectively requires access to our production systems, so you won’t be added to the support rotas until you’ve completed your vetting. You might shadow someone else on support before your vetting is completed.

Being on first line support #

Support tickets come in from clients and users every day. These tickets could relate to any of the products we currently support. Tickets could be about any aspect of the service, from a production outage to a typo, or something that turns out to be a request for more development work from a client.

Which things are my responsibility when I am on first line support? #

While on support, your focus is on monitoring incoming alerts and tickets, responding to them or delegating to colleagues as appropriate.

Alerts #

We use monitoring and alerts to notify you when an issue occurs, and provide runbooks to help you respond to events and restore service for our clients.

Tickets #

You’re responsible for managing new tickets that come in. That means doing some initial triage to identify what kind of work is needed, tagging the ticket with the right project information, and ensuring that SLAs are not being breached.

You’ll also be expected to check any existing tickets which have breached (or will soon breach) their SLA, trying to resolve those effectively.

Decide what to work on #

People on support are free to work on whichever tickets they are assigned to and think is most important. But there are some important things to bear in mind:

What to do when there are no tickets #

Whilst you’re on support, you are a member of the dxw Technical Operations team. When there aren’t tickets that need your attention, you should look for ways to make managing and providing support more effective and efficient. That could include improving documentation in the runbook for an issue you’ve worked on or fixing the root cause of common alerts.

The team might have work ready in a backlog to develop new tooling to help with managing or providing support, or to automate tasks that happen relatively often. Beyond this, pairing with other members of the Technical Operations team is a great way to share knowledge across the technical team as a whole.

Replicate the bug #

If the issue is a bug, we replicate the behaviour the client has reported before working on a fix. It’s important that we can reliably and repeatably create the conditions necessary for the bug to arise before we start working on it. If we don’t do this, we can’t tell whether we’ve fixed the problem. If we don’t have enough information to do this, we ask the client to provide it before continuing.

Ensure the client has understood and approved the change #

When presented with a problem, clients don’t always ask us to do the most appropriate thing to fix it. Sometimes we can think of a better solution. Sometimes the change the client asks for has some implication that they haven’t considered.

Our helpdesk service is advisory, so we’re not afraid to suggest alternative approaches and ideas if we have them - including where there’s a better solution, but at a cost. We give options whenever we can.

Pay attention to scope #

Clients can use the support service to ask for help with any aspect of the service we provide, including help with using the admin panel and advice on getting the best out of their site. But there are some limitations. Under the support service, we do not:

From time to time, we may make an exception to these restrictions. If you think that might be appropriate, ask the account manager for the client.

Charging for ticket work #

If you decide that a ticket asks for work to be done which falls outside the scope for support, then the work is chargeable. In this situation, we reassign the ticket to the account manager with an explanation of why the work is chargeable and a rough idea of how much work the client is asking for.

It is good to try to think of alternative approaches that we could do under our support service before taking this step - seek advice if you’re unsure.

The person you assign the ticket to will then treat it as a lead, and contact the client to make a plan.

Impact on your other work #

During your week on support, you won’t be participating in the sprint for your current project team. That means that whilst the project will continue as normal, your work on your current project will pause whilst you’re on support.

Support weeks will start on Wednesdays and finish on Tuesdays, so that they fit into our existing sprint cycle. That enables you and your team to plan around the half-sprint you’ll be on support, and you’ll have the context to rejoin your project for the other half of the sprint.

Recruitment #

It’s important that you’re only involved in meetings that you can practically leave if a support issue arises. That means that you can participate in things like CV sifting, but you shouldn’t be part of interview panels or worksim teams.

Sales #

As with recruitment, the important thing is that you can practically leave any meetings if something urgent crops up. That means you can be as involved as you would usually be in things like writing 100 word responses to sales opportunities, giving your input to qualification work, or helping put together proposals and pitch decks, but you shouldn’t commit to being part of a pitch team.

dxw time #

You can still participate in dxw time work whilst you’re on support, but you’ll need to make sure anyone you’re working with knows that you might need to stop working on a project to handle support queries. You might want to choose smaller things when you’re on support, so that you don’t end up overcommitted.

Support scheduling and the rota #

In order to support our clients, we ensure there is always a developer dedicated to working on support, and that the responsibility cycles around every developer at dxw. There’s a rota which is set at least three months in advance, which is also reflected in Productive.

Scheduling around client work #

Each week, in the regular scheduling meeting, we look at the upcoming schedule for the rota and look to see if there are any developers not already scheduled on to client work. If there’s a viable change to the rota that will allow us to continue billing clients for our time, we’ll make it.

Any change we make will be made with at least one week of notice. We will update the rota and send an email to the individuals and teams affected.

If there are multiple developers not on client work, we’ll try to spread the weeks between all of them, but otherwise, some developers may be asked to do multiple weeks in a row.

If you have a good reason to need a change but are unable to arrange one, then we’ll make sure we can accommodate the change. A good reason might be if you have a service assessment and the named developer is participating. Having lots of work on the backlog won’t usually be a valid reason. Some notice for changes like this is important, ideally of at least a couple of weeks.

Scheduling around out of office time #

The developers affected are encouraged and expected to trade slots in the rota to accommodate known or planned absences from work.

If you need to change your slot, find a slot in the rota that you are able to do, and talk to your delivery lead, the person you’ll swap with, and their delivery lead, to ensure that the swap makes sense for both of you and your projects.

Being on call #

Being on call means you are the first line support for issues that occur out of hours. This sometimes means getting woken up or handling things at weekends. As a result, it’s optional, and people who spend time on call will be compensated for the time. Let the Head of Technical Operations know if you’d like to be added to the on call rota.

While on call, your responsibility is making sure all the services we support are running correctly and effectively.

As with in-hours support, we use monitoring and alerts to notify you when an issue occurs via Opsgenie, and provide runbooks to help you respond to those issues. The difference to in-hours support is that you’ll only be alerted when a high-severity issue occurs, and you aren’t expected to take any action out of hours unless alerted.

Outside office hours, the expected response depends on the severity of the incident. We have a set of factors that determine the severity of an incident, and have included these in our Service Level Agreement.

On call escalation #

While you are on call there is also a second line on call rota formed of senior members of the technical operations team. Opsgenie will alert them if you do not acknowledge an alert within 5 minutes. This is to make sure that alerts are dealt with in a timely manner. You should not feel bad about missing an Opsgenie alert. This is one of the reasons why we have the second line rota.

You can also use Opsgenie to escalate an alert to them if you are unsure what to do, lack access, or need a hand in general. If it is a major incident you may want to escalate so that they can deal with client communications. If the person on the second line rota does not respond feel free to escalate the alert to the Head of Technical Operations or the Technical Director to help you. You should also feel free to contact other members of the team if the incident is serious enough and you have discussed it with the person you have escalated to.

To escalate to people not on the current rota, create an alert on Opsgenie with the Default API (not the ops_team api) and add them as a responder.

Claiming TOIL for out of hours alerts #

If you are alerted out of hours you can claim Time Off in Lieu (TOIL) in BreatheHR.

If you have to work more than an hour fixing an alert, you can claim extra TOIL at 0.25 days per hour.

If you receive multiple alerts within an hour of the first one you receive they do not count as an extra alert for claiming TOIL. For example, if you receive 4 alerts for different issues in the space of 10 minutes you can only claim 0.25 days TOIL and not 1 day of TOIL. If after an hour you receive another alert, that is when you can claim again.

If you have been woken up by an alert you are not expected to start work at your normal time. Let your delivery lead or line manager know via a Slack message if possible.

If you feel that you need a rest from being on call out of hours after a disrupted night of sleep please talk to the Head of Technical Operations or the Technical Director who will find a replacement for that night.

Last updated: 6 October 2023 (history)